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The Life Room Connection provides online coaching services and resources to support women who are navigating life's various stages and transitions. Whether you’re navigating challenging circumstances or grand opportunities, LRC gives women opportunities to connect with other women through discussion groups, chats, and more.
The Life Room Connection
1:1 Coaching
The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.
Signature Packages
Packages designed to cultivate growth and achieve impactful goals at specific life stages and transitions.
Live Events
The LRC will offer a FREE monthly 45-minute workshop type gathering to support your personal and professional growth. Plus, opportunities to register for upcoming dynamic online events and mini courses.
At the Life Room Connection, we believe that each fellow sojourner is more than capable of handling whatever comes HER way to radiate sustainable joy and purpose. The LRC is a space to unlock the power of one’s agency, (re)discover one’s unique essence to get unstuck, and gain deeper clarity with added “Aha” moments, all while asking hard questions needed to help positively move the needle of transformation.
Whether you are struggling to adult after university studies, facing midlife stagnation, or are anywhere in-between, The Life Room Connection wants to be a resource to you.
Often using the process of narrative metaphors to reconnect with positive stories that have been overshadowed due to struggling relationships, rejection, imposter syndrome, or failures to move beyond coping to growing the possibilities around what you CAN control.
Making Room for Life’s Meaningful Connections
Upcoming Events